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About Fedoskino

Fedoskino is the site of the country's oldest lacquer miniature industry.

In the late 18th century merchant I.P.Korobov set up a factory of lacquer production in the village of Danilkovo (now Fedoskino) near Moscow ,which in the early 19th century was inherited by the son-in-law P.V.Lukutin. He increased its out put, and in 1828 earned the right to stamp the inner side of creative quests, perfection of painting technique and decorative ornamentation. The Lukutin lacquers became known abroad.

The Lukutin lacquer miniature was popular for its high artistic workmanship.The painting was done by oils,which compact brushwork and fine"transparent"strokes. Gold leaf and metallic powders were often used that showed through the translucent coat of paint.

Lukutin lacquer painting enjoyed the influence of Russian realistic art.The artists' proximity to folklore promted the creation of highly popular images .Scenes of tea-parties, women's gathering and troika's rides won great favour with the people.

The lacquer work brought out by the Vishnyakov factories had much in common with its Lukutin counterpart in terms of form and content. The Vishnyakov and Lukutin enterprises existed side by side for nearly a century; they were fine models of mutual influence.In 1904 The Lukutin heirs closed down their lacquer works.The former Lukutin Masters organied in 1910 the Fedoskino labour artel thus enabling the industry to servive in the conditions of dire competition between petty lacquer factories and lay the groundwork for a joint artistic process. a new stage was introduced in lacquer miniature painting.

After the Revolution of 1917 the Fedoskino artel was joined by young artists whose work reflected the life of that period , the stages in the development of Soviet State , Russia historical past.The "Troikas","Tea Parties" and "Women's Gatherings" were used as subjects for new , original compositions.Special attention was devoted to the subject in its integrity and its ornamental decor with the stress on traditional techniques:filigree, checker-work, circular and gold ornamentation. The highly attractive caskets, panels, brooches and boxes of different form of size with miniature painting and gold ornament, their dazzling lacquer surface and the play of their rich colors are remarkable blend of usefulness and beauty.

The contemporary Fedoskino miniature painting promotes the independent development of all genres of this unique art.

Old Fedoskino Masters of portraiture V.D.Lipitskiy,M.G.Pashinin, P.S.Davydov trasmited their rich experience and knowledge to the younger Fedoskino Masters: Nikolay Soloninkin, Lubov Pashinina and others.They have created fine portraits of political and military leaders ,writers and artists, heroes of labour and science in 1970-1980s.

Reviving the traditions of the decorative-ornamental genre painters S.Tardasov,V.Korsakov, Yu.Gusev ,and S.Monashov created in the 1980s works of art remarkable for their ornamental plasticity and highly subtle workmanship.

Fine works of Fedoskino art representative of landscape painting were created by I.I.Strakhov, Sergey P.Rogatov,Yuriy Karapayev, Sergey Kozlov,Mikhail Kornienko, Ye.Starykh who depicted the beauty of Moscow's environs.

The end of the past century was "Golden" time for the Top Fedoskino Masters as Mikhail Chizhov,A.Tolstov, Piotr Puchkov, Sergey Chistov,Viktor Antonov, Gennadiy Larishev.

Nowadays, very interesting works are created by Yelena Khomutinnikova, Anatoliy Kuznetsov, Sergey Kozlov, Oleg Shapkin, Nadezhda Strelkina ,Alexander Fyodorov,Sergey and Marina Rogatovs,Pavel Anokhin,Eduard Makarov, Alexander Mikheev, Igor Isaev and many others Top Fedoskino Artists.

The works of Fedoskino artists are displayed in private collections and in the Museums all over the World.