The beloved characters of Lewis Carroll's classic tale are brought to life in this exquisite piece by Fedoskino artist Khitruk. In the middle of the scene is Alice, who sits under a tree and reads a book. The smiling Cheshire Cat sits just above Alice's head, while the White Rabbit hurries past. In the background (from the left of Alice) the artist has painted the gardeners who have been painting the white roses red, and were interrupted by the Queen. In the background are Tweedledum and Tweedledee on the right, and the Queen of Hearts and some cards she has caught painting the roses
red. A large piece of mother-of-pearl is set into Alice's dress. Gold paint and sparkling silver dust throughout the composition to add a touch of magic to the scene. On the sides of the piece, the artist has drawn falling leaves mixed with playing cards. On the bottom of the box is a 'bonus' scene featuring the hookah-smoking Caterpillar on his mushroom. The dark blue lacquer exterior is decorated with shining gold ribbons detailed with brown paint.