The box "A Walk in the Park" Fedoskino. 2011.
Material: paper mache, lacquer, pearls, gold melted, metal powders, oil paint
Author: Oleg Shapkin born in 1955
Shapkin - one of the leading artists of Fedoskino, with a distinctive personal style of painting. In his art he is in his own way responds to the research of artists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Romantic images of "beautiful ladies", in connection with the poetry of Alexander Blok (1880-1921), found an interesting interpretation in his miniatures. By admiring feminine beauty, the artist puts his characters in splendid environment of parks, where they walk in the luxurious costumes. Shapkin's shows strongest skills in miniature painting by creating the richness of fabrics: brocade, silk, muslin, fine lace, which he does with enthusiasm. Wide-brimmed hats, in the halo of the finest shawls, adorn the lovely ladies heads. Artist improvises a rich heritage of Byzantine ornamentation, lushely and effectively decorating his miniatures.
(Ludmila Pirogova)