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Anokhin Pavel Yurievich (1967 - ...)  Click to play

Born in 1967 in the city of Moscow, and now resides with his wife Svetalna and daughter Polina, in a small village in between Moscow and Fedoskino. Finished the Fedoskino school of Miniature Painting in 1989, and his diploma/graduate work was entitled "Little Prince."

V.D. Antonov, V.N. Frolov, H.G. Marchukov, and I.A. Yevmenenko were some of the teachers who had a lasting impression on Pavel in his formative years as an artist. He used to work at the Fedoskino Factory of Lacquer Miniatures, but now works at home and independantly of any organization.

His themes deal with Meaningful Symbolism. He is a very popular artist on a worldwide scale with collectors who specialize in the painting of lacquer miniatures. His works have been in exhibitions, and can be found in galleries in France, Holland, America, Germany, and England.

He says his favorite works are ones that he can paint over and over again without getting tired of them. However, this is rare and he only does this when a collector orders a box from him. There were a few, which were entitled, "A Walk With a Lion," "Brod," and "Fairytale."

When working on a single piece the time frame from start to finish varies, and can be anywhere between 2 days to a month. The most important element in his work, as he says is, "Love (and the loud kind)." His palette is closer to the one found in the natural world, and he makes sure that it does not, "Scream," when he is painting a piece. He has a philosophical outlook on if he has ideas which with he works with, "Maybe, but everything has already been thought through before we had even got here."

Works of artist that have inspired Pavel down his artist path in life are ancient Russian icon painters, Russian Loubok Printers, Levitan, Mapyavin, Kustodiev, the Russian Avante-Garde, Paul Klee, O. Redon, and G. Klimt. He has always wanted to be an artist, from childhood, and is very greatful that his life has turned out the way he wanted. He also says he could not imagine himself doing anything but painting.

In his free time he likes to hang out with his family, parents, and friends, but not always at the same time. To his collectors he wishes that they can take as much joy from life, and maybe more, as possible.

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