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Karpova Elina Albertovna (1972 - ...)  Click to play

Elina Albertovna Karpova

Born in 1972 in the village of Fedoskino, where she currently resides. Elina graduated from the Fedoskino Art School in 1993.

The artist paints in the realistic style of Fedoskino lacquered miniature. Karpova uses soft colors of oil paints. She is interested in drawing on realistic subjects. The main part of her work is creation of portraits.

Elina considers that one of important aspects in her pieces is their thorough detailed execution. The master finishes a work only when she has nothing to add to it. Upon beginning a new miniature, the painter sets a goal to make it so she and its future owner will like it completely.

As most of painters, Karpova has her personal paint technique, namely softness and thorough detailed execution of her works. It is possible to distinguish her pieces from other painters' works by detailed paintings and color palette.

In free time Elina likes to rest and to travel.

She asks admirers of her art to continue to follow her creative work.

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