We are waiting for Maslenitsa,
We are waiting, sweetheart, we are waiting,
Cheese and butter will we see before us,
Will we see, sweetheart, will we see.
On the mountain is a little green oak,
Green, sweetheart, green.
And the Verzin priest is young,
Young, sweetheart, young.
The priests' wives were drinking,
And they ruined the priests by drinking on a holiday,
On a holiday, sweetheart, on a holiday.
And the sextons' wives were drinking
And they ruined the sextons by drinking on a holiday,
On a holiday, sweetheart, on a holiday.
And the sacristans' wives were drinking
And they ruined the sacristans by drinking on a holiday,
On a holiday, sweetheart, on a holiday.
Our dear Maslenitsa,
Dear, leli, dear!
Came for a while,
For a while, leli, for a while.
We thought for seven weeks.
Seven weeks, leli, seven weeks.
But Maslenitsa stayed only seven days,
Seven days, leli, seven days.
And Maslenitsa deceived us,
Deceived us, leli, deceived us.
To Lent she offered a seat,
Offered a seat, leli offered a seat.
Bitter horseradish she put out,
Put out, leli put out.
And that horseradish is more bitter then khren,
More bitter than khren, leli, more bitter than khren.