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Worker Songs:nightingales, fiddle, worker, Yaroslavl

Near, near a little city, Near a little green garden, Near a green garden, Near the town of Yaroslavl, Not far from a river, Not far from a peasant village, On a pretty, beautiful mountain, On a high mountain, Stood a large factory. In that factory. In that factory are young men - Brave youths, Brave youths. Not married, bachelors. The young men from that factory Gathered for a walk To the pretty, the beautiful, To the high mountain; They sat along the edge, Near the green garden, Near the green garden, Near the city of Yaroslavl; They sat down, sang songs, And ordered the nightingales to whistle: "Nightingales, whistle! We have come to walk among you!" The nightingales whistled, They comforted all the young men. With us young men, In Yaroslavl city, In Yaroslavl city, In Tolchkov district At a soldier's widow's, At a soldier's widow's, Were some nice girls, Some nice girls, And Vasiljushka was there, A master of carpets weaving; Carpets he makes and weaves; And he collects recruits: He writes letters well, He reads documents, too. When he is in company He plays the fiddle. They played on the fiddle For the soul of a pretty maid, For the schooled, pretentious Widow's daughter Pashenka. The mother spoke to Pasha, And her brother tried to persuade her: "Enough, Pashenka, stop, Don't go out with young men! These fellows will lead you To ill fame!" "Even if it leads me to ill fame, I'll go out with them all."