Zope Based Discussion Forums | Your Status: Anonymous


fcForum has been enriched by kind contributors who took the time to test the system and came up with ideas and solutions to make this piece of software better, below is a list of the major contributors, thanks for the time taken.


Florent Carlier (France) - Countless (smart) suggestions and French Translation

Hugo Filipe Ramos (Portugal) - Portuguese Translation

Stephan Goeldi (Germany) - Countless hours of testing and bug reports

Tim Kelly (USA) - Many suggestions and improvement for the User Interface

Erwin "Zodiak" (Austria) - Provided the first German translation for the forums

Stephan Helma (Austria) - Impressive Bug Hunting, Suggestions, Revisions and enhancements to German translation for the forums

Helge Tesdal (Norway) - Initiative for conversion to ZPT/CMF/Plone

Alexander Limi (Norway) - Plone Guru

Kapil Thangavelu (USA) - Zope Guru, help with the definition of the Membership layer and authentication system

Chris Klein (USA/CodeIt) - Boss. Provided the time needed for the creation of this product

Shane Hathaway (USA) - CookieCrumbler Creator, Zope Engineer

Личные контакты (Russia) - Russian Translation

Roselinov - From nove.bg (Bulgaria), lots of testing, bug discoveries, countless enhancements and Bulgarian translation for the product


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